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Key, Supporting and Marker Colors

key color (web)

RGB: 255/135/0
CMYK: 0/56/94/0
Hex: #ff8700

stage orange dark

RGB: 201/94/2
CMYK: 0/67/100/20
Hex: #c95e02

stage orange light

RGB: 250/184/92
CMYK: 0/33/70/0
Hex: #fab85c

Use only as a slight variation to the main colour, e.g. as a mouse over shade

stage orange light 2

RGB: 242/138/21
CMYK: 0/54/95/0
Hex: #f28a15

Use only as a slight variation to the main colour, e.g. as a mouse over shade

stage orange mid

RGB: 237/109/5
CMYK: 0/67/100/0
Hex: #ed6d05

Secondary Colors


RGB: 0/128/201
CMKY: 83/41/0/0
Hex: #0080c9

dark blue

RGB: 0/103/146
CMYK: 90/51/24/9
Hex: #006792


RGB: 32/157/68
CMYK: 69/0/78/0
Hex: #209d44

dark green

RGB: 7/135/66
CMYK: 85/21/93/6
Hex: #078742

Gradient (web only!)

For web enviroments only, you can use an additional element - the gradient. This element can be used for larger, singled out elements such as buttons or newsboxes. Use this gradient to soften the harsh look of large orange surfaces on websites. Don’t use them in print media, for various typography purposes, or in any other way than specified above. 

The gradient is used from top left to the right bottom at an angle of 135°.

TYPO3 web key color gradient linear-gradient  (135deg, #f49700 15%,  #e18d00 85%)

web key color gradient

CMYK 0/67/100/0 to

Hex #ed6d05, #ff8700

TYPO3 web blue color gradient linear-gradient  (135deg, #538bb3 15%,  #426f8f 85%)

web blue color gradient

CMYK 100/30/0/30 to

Hex #00649c, #0080c9

TYPO3 web green color gradient linear-gradient  (135deg, #75a75a 15%, #5e8648 85%)

web green color gradient

CMYK 86/23/95/8 to

Hex #07823E, #209d44

Grey shades

Gray shades should be used as stylistic element or in black and white documents.
When using gray in black and white documents please make sure not to use too many dark shades
and pay attention to have enough contrast.

dark gray

RGB: 81/81/81
CMYK: 0/0/0/68
Hex: #515151

mid gray

RGB: 140/140/140
CMYK: 0/0/0/45
Hex: #8c8c8c

light gray

RGB: 185/185/185
CMYK: 0/0/0/27
Hex: #b9b9b9

super light gray

RGB: 244/244/244
CMYK: 0/0/0/8
Hex: #f4f4f4

Message Colors


RGB: 90/188/85
CMYK: 66/0/82/0
Hex: #5abc55


RGB: 221/18/61
CMYK: 4/99/67/1
Hex: #dd123d


RGB: 255/200/0
CMYK: 0/23/93/0
Hex: #ffc800


RGB: 0/128/255
CMYK: 80/51/0/0
Hex: #0080ff

Do you have any questions?

If you run into any problems using this styleguide or would like to contribute additional presets or templates, please don't hesitate to contact the desing team via Slack or mail to designteam(at)